Events 2009:   Ongoing Engagement   November   October   August  
                                   June  February
Events 2008:   Ongoing Engagement   December
Events 2007:   September   June   April   March   January
Events 2006:   October   June   February
Events 2005:   November   September   June   May   April
Events 2004:   November   September   June   March
Events 2003:   December   March   February

Friday, November 6, 2009 at 4 p.m.; Monday, November 9, 2009 at 4 p.m.; Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 12 noon | WHPC 90.3 FM

Monday, August 10, 2009 at 4 p.m.; Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 12 noon; Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 7 a.m. | WHPC 90.3 FM
Alexandra Duran interviewed by radio host Kenneth J. Landau, Esq. on Law You Should Know
C A R E E R   T R A N S I T I O N I N G   F O R   L A W Y E R S   A N D   O T H E R   

Alexandra Duran provides valuable insights and advice about how to make a successful career transition within the law or to an alternative career path. Ms. Duran addresses critical issues involved in current law practice, and describes the complexity of the transition process and how to manage it to your benefit and advantage.

Fall 2009 | New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Alexandra Duran on site at top business school

Alexandra Duran has been engaged by New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business as a special resource for professors, enabling them to bring new dynamics to their classrooms. Drawing on her experience as career coach, trainer, human resources professional, speaker, and entrepreneur, Duran is helping select members of the faculty recognize and understand business students’ expectations and needs – enhancing the teaching experience for faculty members while improving teaching quality for students.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 | New York City Bar Association
Alexandra Duran to conduct workshop for the City Bar’s Senior Lawyers Committee
T A K I N G   C O N T R O L   O F   Y O U R   C A R E E R   –   S T E P S   T O   A   S U C C E S S F U L   

Are you looking for new challenges? Are you considering changes in your career? Are you facing retirement? At a workshop for lawyers who are either in a transition or contemplating one, Alexandra Duran will help participants gain an understanding of the steps they need to take to identify, pursue, and achieve new professional goals. The two hour program will be highly interactive.

This workshop is designed to assist people in understanding the process of career change so they may manage it effectively through the use of their strengths, skills, knowledge, and inspiration,” says Duran. “Once the challenge of change is in perspective, it is possible to enjoy the process and ensure success.”

This workshop will be conducted at the New York City Bar, 42 West 44th Street, New York City between 6 and 8 p.m. Registration by May 31st is recommended to guarantee admission. Please register online at

Wednesday, June 15, 2009 | Suffolk County Bar Association and Suffolk Academy of Law
Alexandra Duran to be on Panel about Succeeding in the New Economy
P R A C T I C A L   &   P R O F E S S I O N A L   S T R A T E G I E S   F O R   L A W Y E R S

This panel discussion is designed to address all aspects of a legal practitioner’s business to keep the bottom line healthy and the practitioner thriving. As a panelist, Alexandra Duran will help participants gain an understanding of how to best evaluate their career goals and path and what methods are available to them to succeed in this endeavor.

This workshop will be conducted at the Suffolk County Bar Association.

2007 to Present | Columbia Business School
Alexandra Duran on site at top business school

Alexandra Duran has been engaged by Columbia University’s Business School as a special resource for professors, enabling them to bring new dynamics to their classrooms.  Drawing on her experience as career coach, trainer, human resources professional, speaker, and entrepreneur, Duran is helping members of the faculty recognize and understand business students’ expectations and needs -- and to help professors more fully utilize students’ survey feedback to improve the classroom experience.

I am delighted to be working with some of the world’s brightest minds in business and economics, who are in turn teaching the next generation of business leaders,” says Duran.  “Using the feedback of students is a crucial part of the process of achieving peak performance for both student and instructor.”

The engagement is under the auspices of Columbia Business School’s Samberg Institute for Teaching Excellence. The programs and resources provided by the Samberg Institute transform the School’s academic environment by enhancing the teaching experience for faculty members while improving teaching quality for students.

Friday, February, 27, 2009 | Brooklyn Law School
Alexandra Duran Helps Young Attorneys and Law Students Take Action in an Economic Crisis
R E A D Y ,   W I L L I N G ,   A N D   A B L E     Y O U ’ R E   N O T   A L O N E   
A N D   I T ’ S   N O T   Y O U

Alexandra Duran will return to give a vibrant and frank talk about actions you can take to succeed in your job search in the current economic crisis. These extremely challenging economic times require extraordinary measures – some are small, more nuanced actions and others require greater courage and imagination. Want a better result? First, change your mind and then change the actions you take in order to succeed!

Location: Brooklyn Law School, 250 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, New York.

Friday, February 20, 2009 | City Bar Center for CLE
Duran Helps Attorneys at “Best of the Bridge-the Gap”
H O W   T O   O B T A I N   A N D   R E T A I N   E M P L O Y M E N T   I N   A   

Alexandra Duran will return as a member of the faculty of the Best of the Bridge-the-Gap program of the New York City Bar’s Center for Continuing Legal Education. In her presentation, Ms. Duran will provide an overview of the strategies, actions, and behaviors that help attorneys successfully manage their careers in a difficult, unsettling economic environment.

The City Bar Center for CLE, conducted under the auspices of the New York City Bar, is located at 42 West 44th Street, New York, New York. It’s Best of the Bridge-the-Gap two-day program, presented on February 13 and 20, fulfills a year’s credit requirements for newly admitted and experienced attorneys.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 | New York Junior League
Alexandra Duran to conduct workshop for the New York Junior League

Are you thinking about returning to work in these challenging and uncertain times? Alexandra Duran will provide valuable insights and advice about how to make a successful and strategic entry or reentry into the workforce.

Location: The New York Junior League is located at 130 East 80th Street, NYC.

Friday, September 28, 2007 | National Association of Women Lawyers
Duran at NAWL’s Third Annual General Counsel Institute

Alexandra Duran will address the National Association of Women Lawyers (NAWL) at the Association’s Third Annual General Counsel Institute.  Duran will identify and discuss the behaviors and habits that enable professionals to manage business relationships successfully and to communicate effectively with clients.

The National Association of Women Lawyers is headquartered in Chicago.  Its third annual General Counsel Institute is targeted to women general counsel and senior in-house counsel who want to build top-tier professional and management skills to improve their interaction with C-suite executives and the functioning of their legal departments.

Location: Sofitel Hotel, 45 West 44th Street, New York, New York

Tuesday, September 25, 2007 | City Bar Center for CLE
Duran Helps Attorneys “Bridge-the-Gap”

Alexandra Duran will return as a member of the faculty of the Bridge-the-Gap program of the New York City Bar’s Center for Continuing Legal Education.  In her presentation, she’ll explore the question of “what workplace skills and behaviors determine the difference between the fates of equally talented attorneys.”  Among the topics Duran will cover will be the importance of internal and external relationship building, as promotions are usually predicated as much on relationships as on how well attorneys do the work they are assigned.

The Bridge-the-Gap programs fulfill a full year’s credit requirements for those who are newly admitted while providing CLE credits and invaluable information for more experienced attorneys. 

Location: The New York City Bar Association, 42 West 44th Street New York, NY.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007 | New York City Bar Association
Alexandra Duran to conduct workshop for the City Bar’s Senior Lawyers Committee
S E C O N D  C A R E E R S  –  S T E P S  T O  A  S U C C E S S F U L  T R A N S I T I O N

What are you doing the rest of your life?  At a workshop for lawyers 40 and older, Alexandra Duran will help participants answer that crucial question.  The workshop is sponsored by the Senior Lawyers Committee of the New York City Bar Association.  The two hour program will help participants gain an understanding of the steps they need to take to identify, pursue, and achieve new professional goals.

This workshop is designed to help people face and overcome the challenge of change,” says Duran.  “There are many lawyers who want to transition to new careers – to tap into underutilized talents and make real change in their lives.  The first steps for people at this stage are targeting opportunities, and applying and acquiring the skills needed to make real changes.”

This workshop will be conducted at the House of the Association, 42 West 44th Street, New York City between 6 and 8 p.m.  Registration by May 31st is recommended to guarantee admission.  Please register online at

Thursday, April 19, 2007 | The Transition Network
Alexandra Duran to be on Panel about
C A R E E R    P A T H S    A N D    L I F E ’ S    C H O I C E S

Full time or part time, job change or career shift, entrepreneur or corporate soldier – these are some of the many choices that working people make throughout their careers.  Alexandra Duran will speak on a panel that explores how people can best evaluate their options and move forward in an environment full of change, challenge, and possibility.

The panel discussion is being held by The Transition Network (TTN), a vibrant community of more than 2500 women, predominantly from the New York City area, who are facing transitions by dynamically taking control of their lives. Most come from a spectrum of professions in business, government, health care, academia, not-for-profits and the Arts.

Location: Lighthouse for the Blind, 111 East 59th Street, between Lexington and Park. Cost: $20 members, $30 for guests. Pay at door.  Advance registration is required at

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 | NYWICI
Alexandra Duran makes encore appearance at
N I G H T    O F    T H E    R O U N D    T A B L E

Alexandra Duran will facilitate a discussion at New York Women in Communications, Inc.’s “Night of the Round Tables.” She will lead two 50-minute dialogues that explore the topic “Networking is About Relationships and Alliances.”

The interactive program features roundtable discussions led by experts in a variety of communications fields and disciplines. This event provides participants with new tools, tactics, and techniques to expand their networks and drive their professional growth.

It’s always a pleasure to work with NY Women in Communications,” says Duran, who also appeared at the 2006 event. “‘Night of the Roundtables’ is one of my favorite events. The evening offers participants greater insight in shaping their personal brand and building their professional network to make a successful career change.”

Founded in 1929, NYWICI has more than 880 members whose backgrounds include public relations, advertising, print and broadcast journalism, book and magazine publishing, film and photography, new media, and graphic design.

The event will be held at the The New York Helmsley Hotel, 212 East 42nd Street, New York City between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m. The cost for those who pre-register is $45 for NYWICI members, $60 for nonmembers, and $25 for students. Registration at the door is an additional $10. For more information, visit

Wednesday, January 23, 2007 | Sidney Reitman Employment Law American Inn of Court
Alexandra Duran addresses the
S I D N E Y    R E I T M A N    E M P L O Y M E N T    L A W
A M E R I C A N    I N N    O F    C  O U R T

Alexandra Duran will be a panelist for the Sidney Reitman Employment Law American Inn of Court, one of New Jersey’s foremost professional associations and the only inn of court in the U.S. dedicated exclusively to Labor and Employment Law.  The program, on work-life issues, is designed to help attorneys discover career paths aligned with both their professional and personal goals.

People often consider work-life issues in a ‘having it all’ framework,” says Duran.  “The truth is that the ‘having it all’ paradigm leads to frustration and disappointment because it is, by definition, unattainable.  The real issue on which people need to focus is selecting and taking control of one’s path – whatever that choice is.”

The program will be held at the Glen Ridge Country Club in Glen Ridge, New Jersey.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006 | Holland & Knight LLP
Alexandra Duran shares networking secrets with
W O M E N ' S    I N I T I A T I V E    C O M M I T T E E    O F   
H O L L A N D    &    K N I G H T

The Women's Initiative Committee of Holland & Knight LLP has invited Alexandra Duran to deliver a luncheon address on October 25, 2006.   During the two-hour presentation, "Dramatically Improve Your Networking Success," Alexandra will show participants how to maximize networking opportunities.   She offers specific, actionable advice to help attendees elevate their comfort level -- and the quality of their connections -- before, during and after an event: from setting goals and scouting out the space to following up with a personal note.

Drawing upon her experience as both an attorney and a professional coach, Alexandra shares insights into understanding clients and conveying trust and confidence through actions and attitudes.   She also reveals one of the most overlooked networking assets and how to use this resource to full advantage.   Even seasoned networkers will walk away with new information they can translate into solid connections.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Alexandra Duran to lead training session at CUNY on
T R A N S I T I O N   M A N A G E M E N T

Helps the Country's Largest Public Urban University in the Adoption of a New Information Management System

Alexandra Duran has been engaged by the City University of New York to assist CUNY in the rollout and adoption of its new information management system.   The new system, which integrates finance, HR, and student services functions, is an enterprise-wide change involving more than 30,000 employees and 400,000 students.   Duran's training program will focus the leadership, team building, and communication skills needed for effective transition management.

"Effecting change within organizations depends on what I like to call 'the human factors' - including commitment, mutual respect, and a 'can do' attitude - in addition to tactical imperatives such as goal setting, resource allocation, and time management," says Duran.   "Bringing together all of these elements and behaviors during critical transitions enables organizations to grow and become stronger."

CUNY leaders from a variety of departments and disciplines will participate in the program created by Duran.   The program builds on her years of experience in helping colleges and universities implement transformational change both effectively and efficiently.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 | NYWICI
Alexandra Duran at
N I G H T   O F   T H E   R O U N D   T A B L E S

Alexandra Duran will facilitate a discussion on "Strategies for a Successful Career Change" at New York Women in Communications, Inc.'s "Night of the Roundtables" - a networking event for NYWICI members and their guests. The program is designed to give participants new tools, tactics, and techniques to expand their networks and drive their professional growth.

"I'm delighted to work with NYWICI and help its members access new opportunities," says Duran.   "NYWICI is a vibrant organization, and "Night of the Roundtables" is an excellent opportunity for participants to broaden their vision of career possibilities and gain insight in how to make a successful career change."

NYWICI has more than 880 members whose backgrounds include public relations, advertising, print and broadcast journalism, book and magazine publishing, film and photography, new media, and graphic design.   It is affiliated with The Association for Women in Communications, Inc. (AWC), the only international professional organization encompassing all communications disciplines.       

The event will be held at the Yale Club, 50 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m.  The cost for those who pre-register is $35 for NYWICI members, $50 for nonmembers, and $10 for students. Registration at the door is an additional $10. For more information, visit

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 | Monarch Events
Alexandra Duran Featured at  
A N    E V E N I N G    O F   N E T W O R K I N G   F O R   P R O F E S S I O N A L S

Your Power Network will be the focus of a unique event organized by Monarch Events Inc, featuring career coach Alexandra Duran.   The November 29th evening is an unabashed opportunity for people in business to expand their contacts and obtain referrals in a fun and lively social setting.

Duran's talk is aimed at helping professionals to increase the power of their networks by increasing the diversity of their interests and activities.   She will also give tips to help attendees improve on the basics , including conversation skills and body language.

The event will be held at Katwalk Bar & Lounge, 2 West 35 th Street, between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m.   The cost is $35, which includes a drink and hors d'oeuvres.   Register online at .

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 | The Association of the Bar of the City of New York
Alexandra Duran Chairs Panel Discussion on  
B U I L D I N G   R E L A T I O N S H I P S   I N   T H E    L E G A L   

Alexandra Duran will chair a panel discussion entitled "Building Relationships: How to Succeed in the Legal Profession" at The City Bar Center for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) on Tuesday, November 15th , 2005 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.   The program will focus on the skills needed to build and maintain productive and rewarding work relationships with peers, partners, and clients and will explore the law firm, in-house, business, and not-for-profit contexts.   Attendees will receive three CLE credits.

"Building relationships is essential to building a successful law practice or business," says Duran.   "No matter what discipline you are pursuing, your ability to network, collaborate, and maintain relationships with others is vital -- and the skills needed to do so can be learned."

The event costs $220 for City Bar members and $330 for non-members.   For more information or to register for the program, please call (212) 382-6663 or visit .

Monday, September 12, 2005 | New York Women in Communications, Inc.
Alexandra Duran on Expert Panel  
T H E    B E N E F I T S   O F    B E I N G    O N    A    B O A R D

Alexandra Duran will be one of the experts on a panel that will share insights on getting appointed to a corporate, non-profit, or professional board.   The event will help participants learn what business and other organizations seek in potential board members and what board service entails.

"Board membership is a wonderful way to gain experience while giving back to your community," says Duran.  

The panel discussion will be moderated by Corynne Corbett, Beauty & Wellness Director, Real Simple magazine, and former board member of Girls, Inc.   The event will be held at The Lighthouse, 111 East 59th Street (between Lexington and Park) between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m.

The cost is $10 for NYWICI members and students and $20 for guests.   Seating is limited and pre-registration is required.   Visit

Thursday, June 23, 2005 | Tavern on the Green
Alexandra Duran to speak at  
M A K I N G   P R O F E S S I O N A L   C O N N E C T I O N S

Monarch Events Inc presents Alexandra Duran at Making Professional Connections, a networking party for professionals in their 30s and above. The event offers a unique opportunity to make new connections, seek business referrals, and get sales leads.   Numerous sectors will be represented, including financial services, legal, business-to-business, and consumer sales.  

The event, to be held at Tavern on the Green, will run from 5:45 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. At 6:15 p.m., guest speaker Alexandra Duran will give a motivational and instructional talk entitled “Developing Intentional Relationships.” Duran, a career coach who has been quoted by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, and New York Law Journal, is widely regarded as an expert in career networking. Her talk promises to be inspiring, insightful, and entertaining.

The evening will also include a business card raffle, with prizes sponsored by Commerce Bank, New York Sports Club, Reebok Sports Club, and numerous restaurants and clubs.

Register online at . The cost of the event is $45 in advance or $50 at the door.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Alexandra Duran addresses
W O M E N   I N   H E A L T H   M A N A G E M E N T

Career consultant Alexandra Duran will present a seminar entitled “Negotiation Skills for Women: Get What You Deserve” for Women in Heath Management, Inc. - a professional organization for women in health management, benefits, operations, policy, research, education, and philanthropy.

"Many people feel uncomfortable about negotiating for themselves," says Duran, a psychotherapist, attorney, and career coach. "Successful negotiating begins with the right mindset - a full appreciation of your own worth."

The program will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Cannon Design at 360 Madison Avenue (corner of E. 45 th Street), 11th floor, in New York City and is sponsored by Cannon Design and Moses & Singer LLP.

RSVP by calling (212) 545-1885.   To learn more about Women in Health Management, visit .

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Alexandra Duran presents to the
A S S O C I A T I O N   O F   C O R P O R A T E   C O U N S E L

Advises Members in Transition of the Greater New York Chapter

Interviewing Success is the topic when Alexandra Duran presents to the Members in Transition section of the Greater New York Chapter of the Association of Corporate Council in April.

Duran, who has counseled hundreds of attorneys looking to change positions or find new career paths, offers insight into the interview process and helps participants acquire the skills to make every conversation an opportunity to advance their career interests.

"There is more to mastering the job interview than people realize," says Duran. "It’s not just about anticipating the tough questions - it’s also about guiding the conversation to your strengths, having exceptionally keen active listening skills, and developing the ability to have outstanding rapport with whomever you are speaking."

The program will be held at Kraft, Kennedy & Lesser, Inc. at 360 Lexington Avenue, 10th floor, in New York City, at 7:45 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Thursday, November 18, 2004
Alexandra Duran on expert panel for
A M E R I C A N    W O M E N    I N    R A D I O    A N D    T E L E V I S I O N

Program Entitled “Plan For Your Financial Success”

Alexandra Duran is one of three experts on a panel presentation sponsored by American Women in Radio and Television. The program, designed to help participants gain the inspiration and tools to plan for their financial success, will be held on Thursday, November 18th from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. in Studio 19 at the New York headquarters of CBS, 51 West 52nd Street.

"Success is not only about having the right skill sets – it’s also a way of thinking and presenting ourselves,” says Duran, adding that “you can develop attitudes and behaviors that promote success.”

The panel of experts will cover a number of aspects of financial success. Duran will focus on career development issues and negotiating compensation. The other panelists are Steven T. Ernst of Merrill Lynch and Elda DiRe of Ernst & Young.

The forum is part of AWRT-NYC Chapter’s Personal and Professional Growth Series.

Reservations are required. For more information, contact

September 9, 2004
Alexandra Duran to present to the
A M E R I C A N    M E D I C A L    P U B L I S H E R S    A S S O C I A T I O N

Alexandra Duran will be the keynote speaker at the American Medical Publishers Association's (AMPA) upcoming seminar on "Planning and Managing Your Career in Medical Publishing." The seminar, designed to help people better understand the strategies and skills needed to advance in their careers, is open to both members and non-members of the AMPA.

"One of the purposes of the seminar is to help participants gain a bird's-eye view of their own career paths so they can evaluate where they are, what they want to achieve, and how to get there," said Duran. "One needs to be both strategic and tactical to move ahead in a changing industry like Publishing. And, even more important, people need to be able to envision their goals and take hold of their careers."

Topics of the AMPA seminar include:

  • Assessing your skills, setting goals, and designing a career path;
  • Getting the networking process going even when you are not looking for a new position; and
  • Developing a dynamic resume and shining in an interview.

The seminar will be held on Thursday, September 9, 2004 from 11:30 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. in the 2nd Floor Auditorium of 1221 Avenue of the Americas, between 48th and 49th Streets, New York, New York.
To learn more and to register, visit

June 9, 2004
Alexandra Duran to address
N E W    L A W Y E R S    A T    T H E    C I T Y    B A R ' S


What is it that makes the difference between the fates of equally talented attorneys? The answer to that question is the subject of Alexandra Duran's presentation at the June 9, 2004 "Bridge-the-Gap" Corporate Day sponsored by the CityBar Center for Continuing Legal Education (CLE).

"In a highly competitive work environment and economy, it’s not enough just to do good work," says Duran. "There are internal and external marketing and career management skills that professionals need to understand, practice, and master in order to thrive in the workplace."

Duran’s program, entitled "Career Management: Getting Your Contributions Recognized," provides an overview of the actions and behaviors that help attorneys successfully manage their careers. Topics to be covered include expectations of law firms and partners, effective communications, relationship building, and benchmarks to measure progress.

The CityBar Center for CLE, conducted under the auspices of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, is located at 42 West 44th Street, New York, New York. Its "Bridge-the-Gap" two-day program, presented on June 9 and 16, fulfills a year's credit requirements for newly admitted and experienced attorneys.

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 | Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York City
Alexandra Duran to present at
W O M E N ' S    C A R E E R    S U M M I T

: Did you ever wish you were a better advocate for yourself?

: Do you feel insecure when negotiating your own
employment contracts?

: Are you getting paid what you are worth?

Alexandra Duran will lead an Advanced Negotiation Skills Workshop that will address these issues and more at the Katz Media Group's Women’s Career Summit on March 3rd in New York City.

Drawing on her background as an attorney, psychotherapist, former Human Resources executive, and career coach, Alexandra will discuss why you may not be getting what you're worth and how to become your own best advocate in your own employment negotiations.

The Summit also presents an excellent opportunity to network and hear a variety of other presenters – including Roz Abrams of WABC-TV, FCC Commissioner Kathleen Abernathy, and author and columnist Anna Quindlen.

The registration fee for the Summit, which includes Continental Breakfast and Lunch, is $300.

For more information, contact Anne Kenny at (212) 424-6485 or
or visit

Monday, December 8, 2003
Alexandra Duran to address
N E W    L A W Y E R S   A T    T H E    C I T Y    B A R ' S


The CityBar Center for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) has invited Alexandra Duran to join the faculty of a special program designed to help recent law school graduates "bridge-the-gap" between law school and the workplace. Duran will speak on "How to Obtain and Retain Employment in a Down Economy," a topic of acute interest to new – as well as experienced – attorneys on December 8, 2003.

"I tell my clients, if you want to have the job of your dreams, be prepared to campaign for it," Duran says. "That means targeting the position you want, identifying the right contacts, building relationships, and effectively making your case through your resume, cover letter, interview, and follow-up communications."

For Duran, obtaining and retaining employment starts with identifying a career path that matches your skills and interest – as well as sparks your enthusiasm. She emphasizes that the workplace should provide joy, meaning, and purpose.

"Job candidates need to be in tune with what they really want," Duran emphasizes. "I help people parse away other people’s expectations, so they are not fulfilling someone else’s definition of success."

In addition to providing insight on networking, Duran will cover the do's and don'ts for resumes, cover letters, and interviews. A "do" for resumes, for example, is to talk about your accomplishments, rather than describe jobs you have had.

An example of one of Duran’s resume "don'ts"?

"If you do not want to do a specific task again, don't put it on your resume," advises Duran.

Duran's career consultancy, Career Transitioning, combines her experience as a Human Resources professional, licensed clinical social worker, and attorney. She has been quoted as an expert in numerous national publications, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and BusinessWeek.

The CityBar Center for CLE, conducted under the auspices of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, is located at 42 West 44th Street, New York, New York. Its "Bridge-the-Gap" two-day program fulfills a year's credit requirements for newly admitted and experienced attorneys, and provides invaluable information and insight for attorneys at all levels.

Wednesday, March 19th 2003 | Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York City
Alexandra Duran to present at
W O M E N ' S    C A R E E R    S U M M I T

: Did you ever wish you were a better advocate for yourself?

: Do you feel insecure when negotiating your own
employment contracts?

: When it comes to striking a great deal for you, what are
the most effective negotiating techniques?

Alexandra Duran will lead an Advanced Negotiation Skills Workshop that will address these issues and more at the Katz Media Group's Women’s Career Summit on March 19th in New York City.

Drawing on her background as an attorney, former Human Resource department head, and career coach, Alexandra will discuss the best practices and the skills you need to negotiate your next employment contract.

The Summit also presents an excellent opportunity to network and hear a variety of other presenters – including Roz Abrams of WABC-TV, Former FCC Commissioner Susan Ness, and Ad Council President and CEO Peggy Conlon.

For more information, contact Anne Kenny at (212) 424-6485 or

Tuesday, February 25, 2003, 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM
Alexandra Duran to present at
T H E    H A R V A R D    C L U B    O F    N Y

Seminar Designed For Consultants Looking to Boost Their Revenue

Career coach, management consultant, and author Alexandra Duran will lead a seminar at the Harvard Club of New York to teach consultants how they can boost their revenue by finding new ways to generate income for their services. The seminar, entitled "Creating Value through Multiple Income Streams," will be held on February 25 from 12:00 noon to 2:00 P.M.

"Consultants need to understand that they can structure their businesses so they have income not just from the number of hours they work, but also from the many other ways they add value to their clients' businesses," says Duran. The founder of Career Transitioning, Duran is a Human Resources professional, attorney, and board member of the New York Chapter of the International Association of Career Management Professionals.

The seminar is the second in a series for consultants seeking to boost their income and find financial freedom. A third seminar entitled "Positioning Your Business for Sale, or Not" is planned for May. The sessions are designed to be independent so that participants can join for any or all of them.

The February 25 seminar is limited to 18 participants. Reservations are required, and the fee of $75 should be sent by check in advance to
Consulting Resources NY, 340 East 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022
in order to hold the reservation. Participants should include their e-mail address so they can receive confirmation of registration. Lunch is included in the program.

If you have questions, please contact Mary Lynn Halland by e-mail: